Supply: 1,000,000,000
Taxes: 0%
Contract: Verified and renounced
Liquidity locked until 4/20/2029
- Supply
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
Our token has a fixed total supply, ensuring scarcity and value appreciation over time. - Taxes
Tax Rate: 0%
We are committed to providing a seamless and cost-effective experience for our users. Enjoy zero transaction taxes on every trade. - Contract
Status: Verified and Renounced
Our smart contract is verified and renounced, providing transparency and security for our community. You can trust that the contract cannot be altered, safeguarding your investments. - Liquidity
Locked Until: April 20, 2029
To ensure stability and long-term growth, our liquidity is securely locked until 4/20/2029. This commitment protects the value of your investment and promotes confidence in our project's longevity. - Utility
Our token serves multiple purposes within its ecosystem, including a store of value and access to exclusive token gated alpha services. This multifaceted utility drives adoption and engagement within the community. - Incentives
We continue to provide value with our token gated discord. We increase this value through promotion of our alpha groups and the required tokens to participate in the ecosystem.